AI Referral Services

AI Referral Services - A Discussion and Links of All Things AI

Adrian Biffen
Senior Tech
AI Referral Services

Welcome to AI Referrals, the aggregator platform for comprehensive links to the latest AI technologies and apps. Our mission is to provide you with up-to-date insights and user experiences on a wide range of artificial intelligence tools, services, and products.

Our team of experienced reviewers and AI enthusiasts are dedicated to bringing you the most accurate and reliable information to help you make informed decisions and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of AI.

Please note that we get a commission if you sign up for any of these apps you see on this website. We make a small amount if you sign up, and this costs you nothing.

We have created a 'word salad' to show you some of the common terms used in artificial intelligence; these are in constant use in the world of AI. Check our glossary to find out what these terms mean.

So let's get started ...

Mind Mapping

We are big fans of 'mind mapping' and we are using a new AI mind-map app online (cloud based) to build this website. The folks at Emberly have been fantastic at providing support, and we are building an entire project management system around our AI referral website. Watch this as it develops!

mind map for this website

In most cases we have joined up with the vendors that you will see on the subsequent pages. We are not able to test all of them, due to the rapid growth of AI, but we have selected some of the very best.

We paid particular attention to how quickly our questions were answered. We feel client response is a very important aspect of any website offering a service.

AI Warnings - Ethics and Dangers

AI warningsWe would be remiss if we did not discuss AI Warnings.

There are many who are concerned about the rapid development of AI, and we agree that the governments of the world should enact legislation regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI).

There are also many people that think we are on the cusp of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), where robots become smarter than humans. We have compiled a list of videos and articles to watch about the perceived dangers of AI.